Sunday, March 23, 2014


A Sunday... I had planned to visit a lake in Bangalore - Hosekote lake.

It was a day of PLENTIFUL... 

Three sightings in the lake made my day... All three were in PLENTY... 

1. Barn Swallows

The moment we entered the lake, we saw a tree full of hundreds of Barn Swallows. The scene was spectacular with plenty of shining blue and white birds in trees with the sun rise falling on them. They all were taking off the tree at the same time, flying high, and settling down in the tree after sometime. This was happening for quite sometime. It was all a synchronized act. 
We couldn't move out of that place and got stuck by this amazing sighting.
Tree full of Barn Swallows

Taking off at same time

Settling down

2. Little Stints

After a while walking inside the lake, we saw a huge flock of Little Stints settling in the water. Then they all started flying in a synchronized way, showing their white underside all at one time, fly for a distance, and suddenly change direction, showing their dark upper side all at one time. This was magical, and they did it for 5 to 6 times like this. 
It was happening right in front of us, like a stage show. I felt like a thousand violins were played all around me, along with the birds flight. 

Little Stints

Imagine with a 1000 violins ;-)

3. Fishes

There were muddy bunts in the lake, separating water from one areas to the other, just like mini-dams. We noticed that the water was continuously disturbed like someone is shaking from inside. They were fishes, in plenty. A lots of fishes, were swimming through the water, pushing the muddy little walls, making ways and swimming to the other side of the lake. 
It was surprising to see the action, with such a small creature, using strength of numbers, breaking through the mud and swimming to the other side.

Small fishes swimming through